Amazing experiences with an Angelic Energy Pendant
Hello Glenyss, Last week I received the Jesus loves you pendant. Immediately I felt something special, gentleness, peace. As though a very nice loving older brother entered into my life. I believe this is the most precious gift I ever got. It was a day after my birthday.
A couple of days later I lost it on my way to my work, I rushed back to the place where I could have lost it. I the meantime I thought of the words: 'Before everything else look for the Kingdom of God and everything will come to you', I found it again and was very glad. I realize more than ever what is the most important thing in our life. It helps me constantly, today I had a singing lesson and when I held the pendant I could sing better. I ask inside me what I can do and the answer comes to me immediately.
Asking blessings for a performance wilt my mentally disabled friends, I touched the pendant and I felt a dome of light. It is not the first time I noticed the protection of light beings, but this time it was more tangible. In our journey into the empire of the Spirit this pendant is a very helpful guide. What a gift you have to put the energy of Jesus in the pendants you make! We (my husband and I) thank you very much for making these beautiful jewelry that is charged with this precious energy. Thank you and may God bless you in your beautiful work! Sincerely, Gerda
I recently received a commission for an special painting of "The Angel of Protection and Guidance" from Cindy in the USA; and immediately began to paint. It was an unusual request for a particular size, it was to be very wide and thin and I wondered how I would be able to paint in this format, it was certainly a challenge!
As soon as I began to paint I immediately I felt the Angels at my side, guiding me and I when I eventually finished it, I was very pleased with the painting. The Angels also wanted me to send my Angelic Guidance book Sacred Wisdom to Cindy as well as the painting.
Cindy kindly emailed me to tell me about the effect the book and the painting had on both her and her family and has generously permitted me to share her comments with you......
The Purpose of Angel Art
I feel that the Angels actually use the Angel Paintings that they guide me to do, to forge a strong healing connection to those who really need their help and guidance. It is a way of reminding us that we too are divine beings; and that we are beloved of the Angels who are with us always and wish to assist us on our earthly journey. All we have to do is ask!
As soon as I began to paint I immediately I felt the Angels at my side, guiding me and I when I eventually finished it, I was very pleased with the painting. The Angels also wanted me to send my Angelic Guidance book Sacred Wisdom to Cindy as well as the painting.
Cindy kindly emailed me to tell me about the effect the book and the painting had on both her and her family and has generously permitted me to share her comments with you......
"Words can't describe how beautiful my painting is or how much it means to me. I can't wait to have it stretched so that I can put it on my wall. You are truly talented and have a real gift for reading the angels. Your message of protection is evident in the beauty of the angel that bestows it.
I just love it!!
Thank you also for the book and your angel blessings. I took the book with me this past weekend when we went to visit my husband's parents. I think your angel blessings worked because for the first time we sat down and talked as a family. We are a rather dysfunctional one, but then again I am starting to believe that all families have a bit of dysfunction tucked away somewhere. At least we are looking for a solution to all our problems now. That's a start isn't it? Also, today for the first time in several months my husband is feeling a little better. That is really a blessing. I think he has been depressed for quite some time.
I am interested in the Flower Remedies. Can you use them with prescription medications? Maybe someday I will try them. From looking through your book I feel that I need Well-Being and Grandmother Moon Elixir. At least that was in the vibes I was picking up on.
I really believe in angels now. I have been on a whirlwind for the past two months and I feel as though God and his angels are guiding me somehow. Have you ever felt this way?
Thank you again, so much, for the painting. I will cherish it always as a reminder of the journey that I have been on with the angels.
Angel Blessings.
The Purpose of Angel Art
I feel that the Angels actually use the Angel Paintings that they guide me to do, to forge a strong healing connection to those who really need their help and guidance. It is a way of reminding us that we too are divine beings; and that we are beloved of the Angels who are with us always and wish to assist us on our earthly journey. All we have to do is ask!
Some Recent Comments about my Angel Art
I Received this email about a large canvas painting of Archangel Raphael
Your pictures are truly stunning.
Thank you again and a very happy and blessed 2010 to you.
Love and best wishes,
This amazing email is about a painting of Archangel Uriel 8X10inches purchased from my Ebay Angel Art Store
Subject MS Cured Angel Art09
Dear Anaheart47Hello! I just wanted to keep in touch. I purchased a picture from you earlier this year. It was of Archangel Uriel, anyway to refresh your memory, I was diagnosed with m.s. last fall. It was a terrible blow to my family and I stumbled across your ebay site and had to have one of your pictures. To be honest I was compelled to purchase one. I went for a follow up appointment about a month ago and it is gone. There is no lesions present on my mri, and they have stopped all of my medications!!! I don't know how it happened however I felt the need to say thank you! Keep up the great work.
This is about an 8X10 Angel Painting bought through ebay the buyer later ordered Archangel Michael painting.
"The painting i received took my breath away it's hanging at the foot of my bed as the last thing i see at night and the first thing i see in the morning. Hope Michael arrives soon!"
More feedback about the Angel Paintings
HeatherHi GlenyssI thought I'd let you know I recieved the painting today and it is absolutely glorious. Thank you for creating such inspirational artwork. You are truly blessed.I will be ordering 5 more pieces on canvas when I get back from my weekend away. I feel my clients will certainly purchase these. They are magnificent.Light BlessingsLisa
Hello,I bought one of your paintings off Ebay and had to let you know how beautiful it is! I feel comforted just having it in my bedroom and I plan to purchase more (including one of Archangel Michael for my Reiki Master). Thank you so much for making this beautiful artwork available and affordable.Be Blessed.Terri